Sunday, October 30, 2022

How We best Improved Our PET EAR INFECTIONS

pet ear infections

Does your dog or cat suffer from ear infections?

 Do you spend time and money at the vet's office trying to get rid of your beloved pet, only to find that another disease has developed over time? If so, you can try some other natural ways to prevent and treat your pet's ear infections.

Cats and dogs have an amazing sense of hearing. To protect their hearing and prevent damage to the eardrum, their ear canals are shaped like an L.. The problem with this design is that it allows the ears to trap parasites, water, debris, and earwax, one of which can also lead to ear infections. Up to 80 percent of ear problems in dogs are related to allergies, and earworms are often the cause of canine infections.

Conventional treatment for an ear infection includes prescribing antibiotics, antifungal medications, or other medications. The problem with this approach is that medications disrupt the natural chemistry in the ear and can turn a mild infection into a long-term problem. It is important to address the underlying allergy and to strengthen the immune system so that it is able to fight off bacteria and other germs before they cause an infection. There are also many natural remedies to clean the ears and prevent infections without using medications.

The following symptoms could indicate an ear infection:
Pet shakes its head or holds it aside.
* Pets scratch, rub their ears, or rub their heads on furniture or carpets.
One or both ears may have a yellow, brown, or black discharge.
Ears smell foul, tender, or red.

solutions solutions

* Wash Your Ears With Vinegar - If your pet's ears are full of rose-colored wax, there is a good chance that the allergy has caused a yeast infection. To get rid of a yeast infection, clean the ears well. White vinegar, also called acetic acid, is often recommended by veterinarians, as it removes dirt and debris and helps restore a healthy balance of earwax.

Diluted vinegar works well. When using vinegar, pour a small amount through the ear canal, massage the area, and then gently wipe the inside of the ear with a cotton swab. Do this once daily until the ears are healthy.

*Avoid Infections With Arc Palms - The palm herb, which comes from the inner bark of a South American tree, is a natural antibiotic that quickly kills fungi and bacteria. At the first sign of illness, mix equal parts pau d'arco tincture and mineral oil and put several drops in your pet's ears. For a few days, administer the drops two or three times each day.

Reduce Inflammation with Vitamin C - The adrenal glands produce a natural steroid that can help reduce inflammation when the ears are affected. Giving your pet vitamin C can help the adrenal glands function properly. Pets under 15 pounds can take 100 to 250 milligrams of vitamin C per day. Dogs and cats weighing 15 to 50 pounds can take 250 to 500 milligrams per day, and larger dogs can take 500 milligrams two or three times per day. Vitamin C can cause diarrhea, so you may need to reduce the dose until you find the amount your pet can tolerate.


 Feeding your pet a healthy homemade diet or high-quality commercial food that is free of corn, additives or preservatives can significantly reduce the amount of these waxy ears, while also helping to strengthen their immune system. immunity.

* Air out of the ears - 

Increased air circulation in the ear canal can prevent the growth of bacteria, yeast and fungi. Periodically clip or pluck the hair inside the ears to allow more air to flow.

* Strengthening the Digestive System - 

Supplements such as bromelain and quercetin (along with bromelain) can help prevent an allergic response in the digestive system, making food allergies less of a problem.

* Keep ear mites oily - 

When an infection is caused by ear mites, putting a few drops of almond or olive oil in each ear will trap the mites and may allow the infection to heal. Usually, you should continue the lubrication for three to four weeks, putting three to seven drops of the oil into the ear canal daily. To help the treatment work properly, clean the wax and other debris from the ears first

Use of oil.

Try an over-the-counter remedy - One of the best ways to prevent ear mites is over-the-counter products that contain pyrethrin. Pyrethrins are made from chrysanthemums, which are natural insecticides that are very safe to use. Just follow the instructions on the label.

When do you call the vet?

Ear infections can look and smell foul, but they usually only affect the outside of the ear and are less severe. If you can't get to the source of the problem (especially if your pet is still barking a lot), you'll need to see your vet to find out what's causing the problem. The intense pressure can rupture the blood vessels inside the ear, causing the entire ear to swell like a balloon. This infection is called a hematoma and must be removed by your vet to prevent permanent damage.

Other symptoms to look for include head tilting, drooling, walking in circles or drooping eyes. These are symptoms of an inner ear infection and should be treated by a vet. Your pet may need antibiotics to treat the infection. Additionally, your vet may need to drain some of the pus and fluid from inside the ear!

Why does my pet eat grass?


In fact, grass is so popular with dogs that a species, canine grass, is named after it.

It acts as an internal cleaner, expelling excess mucus, bile and other impurities.

Do you feel anxious when your dog or cat eats grass and then vomits? You may be relieved to know that pets eat grass because their bodies need it.

Dogs and cats have been eating grass for a long time. In fact, grass is so popular with dogs that a species, canine grass, is named after it. Dog weed is also known as couch grass and quack weed and grows in all states except the South.

Herbs can be thought of as herbal medicine. It acts as an internal cleaner, expelling excess mucus, bile and other impurities. It also cleanses the intestines and expels worms. Cereal herbs contain enzymes, vitamins, minerals and amino acids. The herb also contains chlorophyll, which before the use of antibiotics was used to relieve pain and treat infections, ulcers, skin diseases and anaemia.

Some pet owners grow grass specifically to prevent or treat their pets' diarrheal, anaemia, cataracts, fleas, excessive shedding, and other pet health problems. Pets that eat grass regularly are less likely to eat grass outside. Therefore, if you are not comfortable with your pets eating grass in your garden, you may want to grow your own grass for them to eat.

Try growing rye or barley sprouts. Prefer these sprouts over wheat grass as some animals are sensitive to wheat.

Follow these instructions for growing barley or rye grass. Soak 1 cup of organically grown beans in a quart of water for 8 to 10 hours. Then drain the bowl and place it on its side in a warm place away from direct sunlight. Within 24 to 48 hours a small white root will sprout from each bead. Warning: If you do not see these roots, your pills are not effective and should be discarded.

Next, spread 1 inch of moist soil or topsoil over the sprouted beans in a plastic garden tray. To drain the water, create a one-inch channel around the soil.

For two days, cover the tray. Then open it, and water well. Place the tray in direct sunlight or under a grow light. Keep the soil moist by watering if needed.

When the grass is 6-8 inches tall, cut it with scissors or a sharp knife. Place the herb in a Ziploc bag with a wet paper towel. Make sure the air is expelled from the bag before sealing. Then store the herb in the refrigerator.

When feeding your pet grass, cut it into small pieces or put small amounts in a blender or food processor with other food. To make sure your cat or dog will accept grass, start feeding a small portion of a teaspoon. Gradually increase the amount to about 1 tablespoon per 50 pounds. body weight

Once you give your pet the amount of grass he needs, he probably won't see him eating grass in your garden. And you can take comfort in knowing that you are feeding him something that his body wants and needs.

Pets that eat grass regularly are less likely to eat grass outside. Therefore, if you are not comfortable with your pets eating grass in your garden, you may want to grow your own grass for them to eat. Once you give your pet the amount of grass he needs, he probably won't see him eating grass in your garden.

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